Ultimate Cock Worship

Ultimate Cock Worship

Ultimate Cock Worship


  1. Channel JAVHD – present " History and Sex in Japan " Geisha (芸者) geiko (芸子), or geigi (芸妓) are Japanese women who entertain through performing the ancient traditions of art, dance and singing, and are distinctively characterized by traditional costumes and makeup.
    Contrary to popular belief, Geisha are not the Eastern equivalent of a prostitute.- wiki

  2. Вот это я понимаю. Смотрела порно, а в итоге поучаствовала в нем

  3. but its like me and the rest of my (A C I O) ( Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization ) boys, all of my fellow boys i sent into the 5th dimension…they all reported back that they only felt a Female presence in this 5th dimension, so like then i said to my self as the A C IO group leader / administrator " the 5th dimension is inhabited by females of some kind, what would jesus do? kinda something he would talk about this 5th dimension is the afterlife too.

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